Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Sweet Burden!

Hitomi Beaumann isn’t supposed to live to see her 18th birthday.

Hitomi has always been just an average girl in a small town. But now she’s being followed and her skin prickles every time the eyes are on her. After escaping a brutal attack thanks to a mysterious young man, she discovers he is one of the ones who have been watching her. Obsidian has jet black hair, red eyes and an attitude to match. As she finds herself drawn to Obsidian, she also realizes that he might just be as evil as he wants her to believe.

With someone trying to kill Hitomi and her birthday drawing closer, she finds herself plunged into a reality where a power struggle has been raging for years between mystical realms, humans are not the only beings and most of her life has been a lie.

Will Hitomi make it to her 18th birthday to discover secrets hidden from her? Will Obsidian be there to protect her or will he be the one to end her?

This is Book 1 of the Sweet Burden Series. Book 2 is scheduled for release the summer of 2012.

Stay updated with Sweet Burden and K. L. Ogden at klogden.blogspot.com or email at klogden.sweetburden@gmail.com.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

A Wonderful Message

  • I got this message from one of my friends and I wanted to share it.
    Oh my sweet lord.
    Hey Sweetie,

    I bought your book and hate to stop reading once I start. It has really drawn me in. I'm loving it so far. I'll have to let you know once I'm done. I'm very proud of you!


    I'm so happy that people are enjoying my book. This is the first thing that I have written that I have been proud of! - K. L. Ogden

    Pick up your copy of Sweet Burden

Friday, February 24, 2012

It's my birthday!

And here is what I think about getting older.

In happier news the book is selling slowly but surely.  I hope that everyone that has read the book so far has enjoyed it.  If you haven't read it yet you better get on it, because the second book is getting finished and you don't want to be two books behind.

Thank you everyone for all of their support so far.  I couldn't have gotten this far without support of the friends and strangers that have messaged me so far. 

Sweet Burden's Video Channel

Sweet Burden now has a VIDEO CHANNEL!


Thursday, February 23, 2012

Got this great email...

This is an email that my step-mother forwarded me from one of her friends about Sweet Burden. I just had to share it.

Subject: thanks

Hi Carol --

Thanks so much for making my birthday so great!  I'm glad you were there. 

I just finished the first part of the book (the part that's on-line at Amazon) and it was so compelling!  I had to make myself stop and resist opening the copy you gave me.  I'll never get my evaluations done if I stay up all night reading!  It looks really good -- I'm drawn to Obsidian already. 

Thanks again,


Monday, February 20, 2012

Tricky Names...Here's How You Say...

So, I know some of the names in my book are a little tricky. A lot of them are based off of Japanese names and pronunciations. I came up with a little list on how to say some of the names or words in Sweet Burden.

Here’s how you say…

Brigitta -        Bra-geet-uh
Deiman -        Day-i-mon
Domitori -      Dom-i-toree
Guri -             Gur-ee
Hitomi -         Hi-tome-ee
Isbian -           Iz-bee-in
Kooisan -        Koy-i-san
Laebosu -        Lay-bow-su
Obsidian -       Ub-sid-ee-an
Obi -              O-bee
Rediisu -         Ra-dee-su
Dyau Mainoo -  Day-u May-now
Jiyudisu -        Jee-ou-dee-su
Savetto -         Sa-vet-o

Hope this helps a little. Happy Reading!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Writing isn't as simple as sitting down and writing... Pt. 1

I realized once I decided to sit down and write a story that it wasn't going to be quite that simple. So much goes into writing a book. Sweet Burden started out as a simple story of a simple girl who meets a complicated guy and the rest is kind of history. But first, I had to come up with characters. And not just characters that I liked or wanted to kill off, but ones that everyone would like or despise according to the direction of the story. So the simple likeable girl next needed a name. Hmm... So the search started on the internet. I really wanted a unique name that didn't start with my first initial (like a lot of writers do). My main character was definitely not me! My concept entire story concept started with Japanese manga, so I went with a Japanese name- Hitomi. In the beginning I thought it was an okay name. I could change it later, right? Then as the character developed there was no other name that would fit her. One of the meanings of Hitomi is " beautiful virtue". It just seemed to fit her perfectly. So there was Hitomi, but what about the guy? Then the next search started. I knew what I wanted him to look like, so thanks to good old thesaurus.com Obsidian was born. Obsidian seemed to fit him well, but it was kind of a bit of a mouthful. Obsidian was quickly shortened to Obi as his nickname- and no, it was not because of Obi-Wan Kenobi (although, I do love Star Wars). Okay, task accomplished! Two characters! Two names! Now what??

(to be continued)

Check out Sweet Burden at Amazon to read to finished product.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Final Fantasy Tattoos!

I love Final Fantasy! They are the best video games. They are the reason I started getting back into writing, because I love the characters and stories. Below is my Final Fantasy tattoo collection: Shiva, Fenrir and Ifrit!

And check out my new release book at Sweet Burden on Amazon

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Sweet Burden is available now!
Check out the links to purchase. 
Also, Amazon has a fun little author page. 

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The release is nearing! It's hard to keep my level of excitement in check! Stay updated and become a fan at Sweet Burden Series

And Book 2 should be coming soon in the Summer of 2012!